You Should Be Getting Leads From Your Website

  • By Geoffrey Cooling on 15th January 2016

Leads equals business, equals money.

If your Practice website isn't sending you leads there is something seriously wrong

We believed when we started Audiology Engine that we could deliver nearly daily lead enquiries to some of our customers that were directly attributable to the websites that we built them. This type of lead generation figure is only possible in large urban areas. We realise that websites focused on areas with fewer people would lead to fewer lead enquiries, but we believed that all of our websites would drive lead generation. 

It has been our experience that they have, it has also been our experience that as our ideas evolve, the amount of leads delivered has also. Some of our customers, using all of our latest designs and ideas, and in areas that cater for that type of activity, are getting an enquiry a day from their websites. That is either through an on-site submission or a telephone enquiry that mentions the website as a source. 

However, many of the customers we have onboarded have told us similar stories, they have all said that their original websites were delivering little or no enquiries. It seemed outlandish to us to be honest, we know that Practice websites can be really strong lead generation vehicles, so why was this the case with their original sites?

What Was Wrong

So what was wrong, why did their original websites not deliver? We undertook research on the area that they were targeting including broadband penetration and breakdown of demographics including earnings brackets. 

This type of information is usually easily available, certainly for most areas in the UK and Ireland. In each case the numbers were good so the prospects were there and they also had access to high speed internet. 

So it had to be the sites that were at issue and generally it was. We found common problems running through every website. They were all missing elements that encouraged conversion, they were simply acting as online brochures and not optimised for conversion. 

The Elements Missing

There are several elements that we use in our websites that we believe drive conversion. In fact our ideas about these elements, the design and presentation of them, have constantly been evolving over the last few years. We have used them, tested them, re-designed them, presented them in a number of different ways and this has allowed us to see them work and continually tweak them to work better. We also focus much of our content strategy on ranking for ultra qualified search terms, the search terms of people who are ready to do business. 

No mixed Messages, Build Trust, Give A Value Proposition & Ask For The Business

It is as simple as that, every page we design is built on those principles, it needs to be focused on one message. It has to build trust in, and the authority of, the Practice. It has to deliver a value proposition that makes sense to the prospect and it has to ask for their business. 

We often found that this just wasn't happening on the websites that we took over from. In fact many had no real structure or focus, it is our experience that many Practice websites out there still don't. We deliver to those principles with copy and different design elements, even those design elements have changed dramatically for us over the time we have been in business. 

A great deal of thought goes into the copy and design used on our websites. We want to design websites that drive leads, we know that we can get those websites in front of qualified target prospects. That is pure technical SEO and content strategy, for us that has always been the easy part.

Ranking is of Little Use Unless You Are Converting

Ask our customers, their original sites ranked for differing keyword terms and phrases. They still didn't convert anyone, what exactly is the point of that? You need to make sure that you take every single opportunity to convert anyone who lands on your website, because if you don't, all the work you have done writing good content and winning rankings is wasted. 

Our benchmark is one enquiry a day from a website that is targeted on a large urban area. Those enquiries are mixed, they aren't all hearing aid sales, and even the hearing aid enquiries may not convert to a sale, but they are happening. 

One Enquiry A Day

So if you are in an urban area with good demographics and prospect spread, your benchmark is one enquiry a working day. If you aren't getting anywhere near that, you need to look at your website to find out why. 

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Patient referrals via website

"SEO And Social Media Strategies That Drive Views, Copy That Delivers Engagement And Websites That Deliver Leads."